How do I leverage Ipsos iris lifestyle data to effectively customise a campaign for social media audiences?

Ipsos iris has over 30 lifestyle statements available, allowing subscribers to go beyond the standard demographics and truly understand the motivations behind online audiences’ behaviour.

For example, consider you’re planning a campaign promoting the environmental credentials of a product, lifestyle statements can help you understand and speak to the nuanced attitudes of different social media platform audiences. Ipsos iris tells us that around half of all TikTok (49%) and Facebook (47%) mobile app users agree they would be ‘prepared to pay more for environmentally friendly products’. However, these audiences differ in their attitudes towards recycling. Facebook mobile app users are notably more likely to agree they make a ‘conscious effort to recycle’ with 83% agreeing, in comparison to just three-quarters (76%) of TikTok mobile app users.

These differences might make you consider emphasising messages around recyclable or re-usable features on Facebook, where you might focus more on other environmental credentials, such as carbon neutrality, on TikTok.

Lifestyle statements cover a variety of subjects, for instance, if we were planning a campaign for a wellness brand, we might want to understand audiences’ attitudes towards health and beauty. TikTok mobile app users are 24% more likely than the UK internet population (15+) to agree ‘I take a great deal of pleasure in looking after my appearance’, this is the highest index across the top 10 social media mobile apps.* Whereas in the index for the health-related statements (‘I really look after my health’ and ‘I prefer to be active in my leisure time’) TikTok mobile users score the lowest, with an index of 88 and 84 respectively. 

There might have been an expectation to see a closer relationship between health and appearance for social media audiences on TikTok. However, it is clear that TikTok audiences’ attitudes towards appearance are significantly more important than their attitude towards health. Therefore, wellness brands looking to tailor content have a real opportunity to focus on the benefits that health may bring to appearance for TikTok audiences.

As brands continue to battle for the attention of social media audiences’, it’s more important than ever to gain a deep understanding of what a users’ attitudes and motivations are in order to create content that will cut through. Ipsos iris’ wide range of lifestyle statements can help to shape a social strategy/campaign that delivers the right message for maximum results.

*An index figure compares data against a baseline average, in this case UK internet population 15+.

Stay tuned for more in our ‘You asked, we answered’ series, as we will be sharing insights on subjects such as travel and sustainability.