Looking for love this Valentine’s day? If you’re looking on dating apps, it might be worth waiting a couple of days.

Data from our online audience measurement solution, Ipsos iris, shows that daily users for Hinge and Bumble dipped on the 14th February in 2024.

Hinge and Bumble see peaks in engagement on Sundays; Tinder is more even throughout the week

More broadly, Sunday may be the best day to find a match, as this is when both Hinge and Bumble record the most time spent per person searching for a partner, according to our most recent data.

The biggest group of dating app users are 25-34 year olds, but Hinge has a slightly younger skew, with 18-24 year olds accounting for its second biggest group of users, compared to Bumble, where 35-44 year olds are the second largest segment.

Hinge has the greatest proportion of Gen Z users; Bumble has the greatest proportion of over 35s

Identify how online behaviours change throughout the year with Ipsos iris, the UKOM endorsed online audience measurement currency.