The streaming market is increasingly fragmented, with more and more players competing for our attention in a time when incomes are being squeezed.

While Apple TV+ remains the smallest of the five most popular paid-for streaming platforms in the UK (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, NOW TV and Apple TV+), Ipsos iris data shows it has captured a noticeably higher income audience than its competitors.

Looking at the Apple TV+ app, we see that 21% of Apple TV’s app users earn £50,000+ per year, compared to an average of 18% for the other four platforms.

However, if we look at viewing and engagement, we can see that these high earners account for 29% of time spent on the Apple TV+ app, compared to an average of 18% for the other streamers – that’s 61% higher.

This combination of high income and high engagement could leave Apple TV+ well-positioned if the cost of living sees users consolidating their subscriptions.